
Two DIYs for Makeup Tool Clean Up


I’ve totally been a fan of DIY-ing clean up rituals on Sundays. If you’ve been following the blog’s Instagram stories you probably know how I did just that today – and promised to share details.

Let’s get straight to business and tell you about what I exactly do to save time, money and effort while cleaning up my brushes/sponges/blenders.

Method # 1:

Use the following mixed up with water and leave in all sorts of brushes/sponges/blenders for about an hour or two. Rinse later and voila!

  1. Baking Soda – quantity should ideally be 1tsp but depends on how many things you’re cleaning up in one go.
  2. Mild Face Wash (I used Pond’s – wasn’t happy with what it does to my skin so put it to use here)

Method # 2: This one’s a personal favourite/go-to sorta thing

Use the following mixed up with water and leave in all sorts of brushes/sponges/blenders for about an hour or two. Rinse later.

  1. Shampoo (choose the best from your stash because the fragrance is gonna be your tools’ bff for quite a while after clean up)
  2. Mild Face Wash  (I used Pond’s – wasn’t happy with what it does to my skin so put it to use here)
  3. Rose water (optional)

I usually leave my stuff soaked for longer if I’ve been lazy and haven’t had the time to clean up for a long time. You can also prolong the soak-time if you think your brushes (etc.) have too much stubborn product residue.

Cutest brush in the world? I know.

I know at least a ton of people who’re into DIY-ing and I’m sure you’ve done it too at some point in life. Care to share your favourites? ❤

2 thoughts on “Two DIYs for Makeup Tool Clean Up

  1. Love this! Will be trying these soon. My brushes are way overdue a thorough clean!
    I usually dip them in a mix of water and baby shampoo and then keep wiping and repeating on a kitchen towel till the gunk is all gone and the towel comes out stainless clean!
    Much love xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Whoa! Im gonna totally try your method too 😮 Sounds really interesting. Im a lazy-butt actually so i kinda prefer doing something that takes out all the gunk on its own so i dont have to work on removing it manually. 😛😂


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